Does it work?
There have been many success stories over the years. I don’t count marriages; not everyone wants to marry these days. I count the couples who tell me they have decided to put their membership on hold. Not all couples tell me however but I may hear later, years later in some cases of clients who met, married and even have children.
Just Woodland Friends & Young Autumn Friends is specialised in helping Country folk meet like minded friends, people know they have something they can talk about comfortably before they start. Distance is the main problem, like a lot of nation-wide agencies there’s always some travelling involved in meeting people. It can still work. A lady client from Somerset got chatting on the phone to a farmer on an island off the west coast of Scotland. The chats got longer and longer, so she decided to take the plunge and drive all the way up to Scotland in a very old, dilapidated car to meet the farmer. Luckily they got along just fine and so many more trips up and down country followed before she finally drove up in her lorry with horses and other worldly goods and moved in. They later married. Another lady from Kent after chatting at length on the telephone drove up to Scotland with all her worldly goods stashed in the car, to meet the love of her life and never came back…. It was a great success!!
A nice young chap from Dumfries told me he only wanted to meet ladies who are about 70 miles away or nearer but no further. Next time I heard from him he was chatting to a lady in Surrey. “Well that’s a long 70 miles”!! They had many 4 hour phone calls, exchanged photos and decided they had to meet. They did, the x factor sparked and that as they say was that! I remember the lady in this case was concerned that her dog, a faithful companion whom she enjoyed going ‘picking up’ with at her local shoot, may be a problem. He had never had a dog in the house or in his life, despite a love of animals. I recommended she had a quiet chat with her dog, a black Labrador, see I know about the ‘Labrador magic’! Well magic or no, it worked and he adored the dog too. Very soon the lady, her dog and horse moved up to Dumfries and all were happily ever after.
Another lady with another black Labrador was living and working in Hertfordshire, joined the agency a few times before meeting up with a farmer from the west coast of Wales! As well as farming he has a B&B;, she was a professional cook with a love of the countryside and strong country interests.
The X factor sparked and now she lives happily with the farmer in Wales!
Not all my clients end up in Scotland or Wales and it is in no way a prerequisite of success. Several couples have discovered they had been living only 10 miles apart but had no idea of each others existence, one lady discovered that the gentleman she was about to meet up with lived only a few miles away in her old house!
I must point out not all my clients have black Labradors either! A lot do have dogs, including working dogs of course, or a cat or two, or a horse or two and some have children. One couple that got hitched up, both divorced with children, ended up with 8 children, 2 dogs, a cat and a horse between them!!!
A recent emailed letter
From Tom in the home counties near London, who wishes to be ‘on hold’ with Molly from mid Wales.
“Dear Polly,
Just to let you know that I am developing a wonderful relationship with Molly from Wales who has been on your books for a while languishing where apparently no man wished to go! My good fortune!
I met and spoke with quite a few very nice ladies and would like to thank them all- -at the end of the day it’s all about that indefinable chemistry, the X factor!. I would urge your clients to be brave enough to cast the geographical net a little wider perhaps – and some of the ladies to revisit their profiles!-say no more! Anyway JWF&YAF; certainly worked for us so please suspend our membership or whatever you do! Best wishes Tom”.
Tom and Molly were married March 4th 05 in Christchurch NZ. Some people join the agency for quite sometime before meeting ‘the one’ sometimes it can be several years. They tell me they make lots of nice friends but the x factor just isn’t there. On two occasions I can recall the client has said “This time I’m giving up!” and on the very last list I send, BINGO!!! They find the person they have been searching for. Persistence pays off. Others can be very lucky and meet someone during the first few weeks.
More Success Stories
Our service is nationwide and includes some members from Ireland. Consequently, some travelling could be involved when meeting people. Don’t let this put you off. You can make it work if you want to others have.
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